Brief review on spatial planning and its current relation with future studies




Spatial planning, Planning, Future studies, State of art


Purpose – The main objective of the review is to present a short text that serves as a brief introduction point for starters in the study of spatial planning, some of its main topics studied, and the association it has with future studies.

Methodology/approach – This review analyzed several high-impact articles about spatial planning. To achieve this, an in-depth review of the literature that involves the issues of spatial planning and future studies was carried out.

Originality/value – There is a lack of introductory information in the study of spatial planning and futures studies. This text aims to create a summary that may help future researchers to be introduced in these areas of knowledge. The texts also address different perspectives regarding these two topics.

Findings – The concept of planning is analyzed. The relationship that maintains future planning and studies is then established. Subsequently, the main discussions from the academy regarding these two topics are presented.

Theoretical/methodological contributions – Planning and spatial planning are systematic processes focused on solving a problem. Spatial planning aims to improve the physical conditions of a certain location. Planning and future studies have been closely related, with ups and downs; in contemporary times these ties have been strengthened, helping to solve complex and turbulent problems. Different points are presented from which spatial planning can be approached, depending on the diversity of contexts.


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Biografia do Autor

Edison Patricio Cisneros Corrales, Institute of High National Studies of Ecuador (IAEN)

Edison Patricio Cisneros Corrales holds a Multilingual degree in International Relations and International Relations from the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador. Master of Planning and Strategic Prospective at the Institute of High National Studies of Ecuador. Topics of interest: security, defense, geopolitics, food security, planning, prospective, population control. He currently resides in Quito, Ecuador


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Como Citar

Cisneros Corrales, E. P. (2021). Brief review on spatial planning and its current relation with future studies. Future Studies Research Journal: Trends and Strategies [FSRJ], 13(2), 170–178.


